When you’re facing a situation where you feel helpless, powerless, confused, or even shocked, it’s easy to feel stuck. But there is one thing you can always do, no matter what: love yourself.
Loving yourself is the one thing that will always move you forward. It will help you find clarity, strength, and the right path. But what does loving yourself
mean? Is it as simple as looking in the mirror and saying, “Hey, I love you”? That’s a great start, but there’s so much more to it.
Here are a few ways to truly show yourself love:
1. Talk Kindly to Yourself
Use the kindest words you would use for someone you deeply love, and direct those words to yourself. Speak with compassion, encouragement, and patience.
2. Reassure Yourself
No matter what’s happening, turn your attention inward and say, “It’s going to be okay.” Place your hand on your heart and truly feel the reassurance. I promise you, when you do this with sincerity, you’ll start to believe it, and things will begin to feel lighter.
3. Show Yourself Care
Make yourself a priority. Do things that nurture and uplift you—like taking a yoga class, dancing, or simply spending time doing something you enjoy. These acts of care tell your inner self, “You matter.”
4. Sit With Yourself
Imagine a partner who never spends quality time with you or listens to you. Would you feel loved? It’s the same with yourself. Take at least five minutes daily to sit quietly, be present, and connect with yourself. Put your hand on your heart, feel gratitude, and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
This gratitude practice—placing your hand on your heart and saying thank you—is something I learned from Dr. Judith Pinson. It’s simple yet incredibly powerful.
Why Loving Yourself Matters
Whenever you feel stuck, loving yourself is always the right step. It’s a choice that will never fail you. Looking back, you’ll be proud of every moment you took the time to love and nurture yourself. These moments of self-love will help you grow, heal, and move forward with confidence.
So, the next time life feels overwhelming, pause and remember: the best thing you can do is love yourself.
Athena Demeter
